DESCRIPTION: BOYSEN® Epoxy Enamel is a high quality, two-component, epoxy-polyamide system that has excellent corrosion resistance and sealing properties. Highly alkali-resistant so there is no need for neutralization of new concrete.
PRINCIPAL USES: As a topcoat for BOYSEN® Epoxy Primer that can be applied on interior surfaces such as metal galvanized iron, wood, and masonry.
PRACTICAL COVERAGE: 20-30 square meter / 4 liters / coat
SURFACE DRY: 2-3 hours
DRY THROUGH: 6-8 hours
DRY FILM THICKNESS: 1.5 mils/coat
THINNING: BOYSEN® Epoxy Reducer #55
APPLICATION: By paintbrush or spray gun
PACKAGING: BOYSEN® Epoxy Enamel comes in 4-liter cans, ¾ full packed with curing agent in 1-liter can.
MIXING RATIO: 3:1, paint-to-catalyst, respectively
PRINCIPAL USES: As a topcoat for BOYSEN® Epoxy Primer that can be applied on interior surfaces such as metal galvanized iron, wood, and masonry.
PRACTICAL COVERAGE: 20-30 square meter / 4 liters / coat
SURFACE DRY: 2-3 hours
DRY THROUGH: 6-8 hours
DRY FILM THICKNESS: 1.5 mils/coat
THINNING: BOYSEN® Epoxy Reducer #55
APPLICATION: By paintbrush or spray gun
PACKAGING: BOYSEN® Epoxy Enamel comes in 4-liter cans, ¾ full packed with curing agent in 1-liter can.
MIXING RATIO: 3:1, paint-to-catalyst, respectively